Carpet Cleaning Pleasant Grove Utah

Pleasant Grove Mountains

Chem-Dry’s unique approach to carpet cleaning provides the residents of Pleasant Grove with a better overall cleaning experience. Snyder’s Chem-Dry uses the power of carbonation to extract more dirt and soil from your carpets, giving them a deeper clean. As well, our carbonated cleaning substances only require the use a fraction of the moisture steam cleaners require. This allows your carpet to dry quicker and helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew under your carpet.

In order to extend the live of your carpets is regular cleaning.  Regular carpet cleaning will get all the dust and debris out of your carpet.  Doing this will extend the life of your carpet for a few reasons.  Stains and dirt won’t spread to other areas, smells will be reduced or eliminated, and they will just look great!

We also clean carpets, upholstery, tile and pet urine.  We also clean carpets in the neighboring Lehi and American Fork.

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